Thursday, February 15, 2018

Panagiotis Mantis and Pavlos Kagialis are navigating their way to the Tokyo Olympic Games with the help of a Blue Star!

Με το αστέρι της Blue Star Ferries βάζουν πλώρη για τους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες του Τόκιο, οι Παναγιώτης Μάντης και Παύλος ΚαγιαλήςAt a press conference held today 15th of February 2018, BLUE STAR FERRIES was pleased and proud to announce the sponsorship of the two top sailors, Panagiotis Mantis and Pavlos Kagialis. The goal of the team is to compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. The Olympic bronze medallists in Rio de Janeiro first […]

from Travelling News

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